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Sherry’s Corner » Summer Advice for Pet Owners, and Other News of Note

Summer Advice for Pet Owners, and Other News of Note

Although JUNE IS PENNSYLVANIA SHELTER APPRECIATION MONTH, summer months can be important in all states during August, September, and October, due to an ASPCA opportunity to compete in an Animal Shelter Challenge.  Shelters will work to increase lives saved over last year and be eligible for a $100,000 first prize. $25,000 will be awarded the shelter engaging the most community members.  Wouldn’t a similar challenge be a worthy fund raiser to benefit local pets in need of homes as well as all area shelters? Also, there has been a welcome increase in the number of puppy mills forced to close due to non-compliance.  The dogs and puppies in these kennels CANNOT BE EUTHANIZED  according to the newly enacted dog law. There should thus be MORE DOGS IN THE RESCUE POOL.   

      THERAPEUTIC DIETS. I have not tried any of the Purina Veterinary Diets but I did have the good fortune to be able to hear an interview with Chad Reese on the topic.  According to Reese, the research that is part of the development  of these 24 therapeutic diets has influenced the other Purina products–those sold over  the counter.  Reese also spoke highly of Purina”s probiotic supplement–Fortiflora.  Fortiflora is for dogs with acute enteritis, diarrhea caused by stress, antibiotics and diet change as well as soft stools.  Fortiflora is also for cats.

      CAMPUS CANINES. Dogs will be allowed on some college campuses this fall!  Entering students at some universities are being allowed to bring their home companions to help ease the transition to the collegiate scene.  According to a recent press release there are even dormitories set aside for students with pets.  It wasn’t so long ago that Penn State was having a problem with students dumping dogs when they left for home over the summer break.  And, also the Danville SPCA had a policy of not adopting pets to college students!  Perhaps the administration is drawing a line of distinction between the family pet and one newly acquired while a student?  Wonder if these canines will be allowed access to the library and classrooms?

KEEPING CANINES COOL (Notes from a veterinarian) . Due to their hair/coat, when it is very warm it is most effective to run water over the dog and place it in front of a fan–getting the dog wet is not the point, it is to have the water evaporating.  Immersing a dog in a bath tub or pool doesn’t work either–the wet hair acts as an insulator.  On muggy days most dogs will be comfortable in front of a fan at medium speed.  ( I use inexpensive box fans placed on the floor where the dog is resting.)  In most situations it is only necessary to place a dog in a cooler environment or in shade.  The veterinarian advises carrying RUBBING ALCOHOL and placing it on the pads.  Replace as the alcohol evaporates.  The vet also says to take the dog’s temperature AND WRITE IT DOWN and take it every 3 minutes–he finds the digital thermometers unreliable.  It is IMPORTANT TO STOP ALL COOLING EFFORTS WHEN THE TEMPERATURE BEGINS TO DROP.  The temperature will continue to drop once it begins and can get dangerously low.  He also cautions against giving a panting dog a lot of water.  It is enough just to give him enough to keep his mouth cool so the panting is most effective.  THIS WILL PREVENT BLOAT FROM HAPPENING.  AND IT IS IMPORTANT IN THE CASE OF HEAT STROKE TO GET THE DOG TO THE VETERINARIAN FOR IV RE-HYDRATION. 

IN HOT MUGGY WEATHER WATCH YOUR DOG–ESPECIALLY HIS TONGUE.  It gets larger as he approaches a need for help. 

HELPING DOLPHINS. Most of us associate dolphins with smiles and training.  NOW, however, Sarasota is preparing for the impact of the oil spill on these wonderful creatures.  No one knows what happens to dolphins trapped in a spill.  No such study has been done.  Thus, thanks to the Morris Animal Foundation biologists are measuring the amount of foreign contaminants in the bloodstream and blubber of individual wild dolphins for possible comparison before the spill–getting ready to help before it is needed! The wild card will be the winds in the next few months and now is the time to prepare for the unknown.

Jun 20, 2010 | | Uncategorized

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