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Sherry’s Corner » The Healing Power of Dogs–A Two-Way Street

The Healing Power of Dogs–A Two-Way Street

This past week I took a “time-out” to attend a Mid-Susquehanna Kennel Club meeting to hear AKC judge and author Sharon Sakson speak on the healing power of dogs.  We all believe this, of course, and want to believe.  But, I was surprised mostly at what was not covered in her presentation and the AKC view.  First of all, she neglected to mention the first study on the healing effect of dogs–the heart attack study done in the 1980s by Drs. Alan Beck, Aaron Katcher and Erika Friedmann.  Study of the healing power of dogs has been ongoing for some time.

      The findings from this heart attack study startled both the dog and medical communities with significant statistics proving that having a dog increased chances of longevity in men who had had heart attacks.  It subsequently led to the first use of the term “human animal bond”.  Later Beck, Lockwood and others proved, however, that it was impossible to verify with statistical reliability most of the subsequent studies of the healing effect of dogs.  Thus, Sakson’s discussion of how dogs predict cancer offered interesting anecdotes but nothing yet based on fact. 

      Sakson even hinted that Dr. Carmen Battaglia was looking into breeding purebred dogs with this ability as part of the companion dog group.  Unfortunately for the AKC, the ability to detect cancer and bombs and dead bodies is not breed- specific.  I was hoping she would mention Battaglia’s most recent work–she didn’t–which is the study of bloat. This work is currently ongoing at the University of Pennsylvania with collaborator Dr. Susan Otto.  (When I read about bloat study findings I am always amazed at the one fact all studies seem to agree on–raised feeding dishes play a significant part in causing this horrible death.)  She also did not discuss the Xolo, a Mexican breed said to have pain-reducing abilities.

      Alerting to human medical illnesses which cause accidents would have been an interesting topic to have included, too.  It seems more and more accidents are caused by a driver’s medical problem–especially in drivers over age 60.  This was emphasized for me when I met a retired U.S. Marshall who has seizures.  His Pomeranian/Cocker mix alerts him to an impending seizure by barking and biting at the car keys.  This is truly an heroic dog–saving not only his owner’s life, but the lives of others. 

      In conclusion, although it is important that dogs detect cancer in its early stages in people, it is EQUALLY IMPORTANT that we also be able to detect cancer in our dogs.  Research, important research, must be a two-way street benefiting both partners in the bond.

      Finally, she mentioned breeding “companion dogs” as a special group–companion dogs are on the AKC agenda in confirmation competition.  I imagine this could be possible.  Behaviorist William Campbell believes that if all breeding stock had a Canine Good Citizen, we could have a better dog world. That, of course, presupposes breeding responsible owners! 

THE PITS IN THE PAST. A dog-fighting DNA database has been established to help investigators put together an abused dog’s history from breeders to pit operators.  Called the Canine Codis or Combined DNA Index System, the database is similar to an FBI archive containing profiles of criminals.  Swabbing the inner-cheek of a dog will determine whether the dog comes from dog-fighting bloodlines.  Use of the database, which was developed last July, has resulted in 26 arrests and the seizure of more than 400 dogs–the largest dog fighting raid in U.S. history. Nearly 250 of the dogs have been rehabilitated and are now pets or service and therapy dogs. 


Jul 06, 2010 | | Uncategorized

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