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Sherry’s Corner » Dog Law Update, Poison Control Hotline, and Military Dog Handlers

Dog Law Update, Poison Control Hotline, and Military Dog Handlers

Pennsylvania Dog Law Update: HB 2525 now has passed the Senate Agriculture Committee with amendments and has been sent to the Appropriations Committee.  The bill increases in size with amendments–many are veterinarian-related.  For example, vet exams are now mandatory every six months in commercial kennels, flooring requirements are more detailed, treadmills and other forced exercise is not acceptable to meet exercise requirements and when temperatures exceed 85 degrees a canine health board of 7 veterinarians determines remedy.  There are many who are still arguing over amendments for various reasons.  One man feels that it is silly to make puppy mills have to have a veterinarian examine their dogs ONCE a year.  His argument is that there are not enough vets to do this in rural areas.  He forgets that many of these dogs are breeding stock and it is humane to insure their health–not just for their own sakes but for unborn puppies.  Genetic diseases may not be visible in puppies but they may be visible in adult dogs.  And, when these puppies are sold many if not most will be examined by veterinarians anyway and there will be enough of them to do it.  He also is upset with the fact that a hunting dog can be declared dangerous if he chases a cat or other domestic animal or injures  another dog.  He forgets that dogs usually hunt in packs and have to work together.  Pointers, setters and other dogs who mark game singly honor each other=s territory–it is part of the process.  Today, most trainers of hunting dogs work hard to socialize puppies to accept all domestic animals as well as people and pets. Our dog law is already largely the result of a different viewpoint, a different culture of dog care–as well as greed.  Attempts to make it more humane should not be weakened by more  human divisions –outdated and ego-serving– whether the breeder breeds one litter a year for hunting, for conformation or 60 litters a year for profit. 

Cautionary Tale: Just recently one of my grand-dogs allegedly unzipped a suitcase, unscrewed two bottles of pills and got very very sick.  Now, Pants is a smart young lady but I wonder if this is the whole story?  Anyway, for those of you who live with dogs who can unzip suitcases and unscrew pill bottle tops the following information.  ASPCA NATIONAL POISON CONTROL CENTER 888-426-4435.  Fee is $45 per case, credit cards only, no extra charge for follow-up calls. 900-680-0000.  There is no charge when the call involves a product covered by the Animal Product Safety Service.      

Military Dog Handlers: Carmen Battaglia, the new president of Dog Writers Association of America    (DWAA) has urged members to stress the need for military dog handlers.  The Congressional Medal of Honor winner last year was a Boxer Mastiff mix named Brutus–the first K9 to receive this award.  His handler communicated with him in sign language.  When his handler was captured in Iraq Brutus received the command to Ago away but come back later and find me@.  He came back and tore the throat out of one guard at one door and another guard at another door.  He then threw his 200 pounds at a wooden door until it opened.  Brutus in his downtime likes to sit in laps and enjoys the company of cats!! 

      The late and great Captain Arthur Haggerty, one of our pioneer Hollywood trainers and a noted author, began as a military service dog trainer.  I believe he would have liked the Brutus award. One of our last conversations was about the dogs of Abu Ghraib.  I told him I felt the use of dogs to interrogate prisoners was inappropriate.  His answer:  AWhat do I think about the use of dogs in controlling prisoners? Great!  What about for interrogation?  Also, great!  Now you can assume that the dog is told to bite the POW but that isn=t necessary.@ 



Sep 29, 2008 | | Uncategorized

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