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Sherry’s Corner » The Healing Power of Dogs and Adventures with Bacall

The Healing Power of Dogs and Adventures with Bacall

In recent interviews, Sharon Sakson talked about why she wrote a book titled, The Healing Power of Dogs.  It isn=t the book one would expect.  When Sakson was quite young her mother died and her grandmother bought her a Wire-haired Fox Terrier.  So while the youngster mourned and tried to cope with the death of her mother, her Terrier focused her attention on a world of housetraining, feeding, and exercising, as only a Terrier can!  Later a teen-aged Sakson even thought of suicide but had to dismiss the thoughts of taking her own life because of the question, Awho would take care of Bonnie”?  No family member or friend loved the Terrier as she did.  Thus, she writes, she learned the power of healing. 

      I feel that in senior pet owners the need to care for and nurture companion animals plays a large role in keeping these at-risk owners  healthy and on the road to recovery.  It lessens stress when you can be with your own.  You must forget pains and the ease of late rising when a dog needs to be walked and fed.  There is no boundary in the healing power of pets among nursing homes, hospitals and home.       

      Sakson concludes, ATaking care of your pet is an important responsibility.  You can=t count on anyone else to do it.  You=ve got to show up every day.@

      I must confess that one of the reasons I was drawn to Sakson=s book was her description of the Trenton Kennel Club Show.  This was the Show of my early, formative dog years.  I worked for a public relations agency and answered directly to the President, Betty Gribbon, who always wore white boots and raised Great Danes.  Someday I will write about my Trenton years.  For Sakson a dog show like the Trenton fixture was a kind of therapy.  Dog shows are still that for me.  When I can find someone to go with I am off for a day of therapy and always return feeling happier and more sure of the goodness of life.  Last weekend I met Eddie, a Basenji who loves to shop, and an Irish Wolfhound who slept through most of the event only to get up to go into the ring and win Best in Show!  With dogs there is only the present–no rear-view mirrors and impending doom.  

      We are beginning week three in handling Bacall=s appetite and weight loss.  The suggestions to tempt her palate are many.  I share.  Sprinkle with grated Mozzarella cheese.  Offer cat food.  (I found samples from pet stores a good source!) Cooked chicken and/or chicken hot dogs.  Of course, the standard–cooked hamburg and rice.  I am pleased to report that last night she actually ate two seasoned french fries and a chicken carver and licked peanut butter from a spoon.  I owe a great deal to the patience of the Leighow Veterinary Hospital and importantly cans of a/d (Hills) . It is given by syringe and I credit this food for getting her past the anorexia stage.    

Nov 02, 2008 | | Uncategorized

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