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Sherry’s Corner » National Dog Show Update

National Dog Show Update

The other day I was invited to participate in a media conference call on the National Dog Show presented by Purina and the Kennel Club of Philadelphia. I followed up with a short article and inadvertently did not mention Purina=s involvement– for which I was chided. At one time, journalists were also courted for media attention. For some reason this is now an endangered tradition. Anyway–these conferences are great because you can participate at home with people you care about having a conversation with. This conference involved David Frei, Peter Green and Ernesto Lara. Although Frei –who is now a Hound Group judge–was probably s the most informative of the participants, I found Peter Green the most interesting and learned most from him. Watching is most important at a dog show; listening is most important in dog show media conferences–especially one involving reporters from newspapers.

I did not know, for example, that many show dogs do not have Achildren experience@ and may be frightened of them. Noise and sudden movements from children can break the team work between dog and handler. I would thus suggest that children be instructed in show manners or that very small children not be taken to dog shows.

Green stressed the great amount of time each handler must spend with each dog: AThe dog needs to like his handler and trust him–and the dog has to know he is beautiful and want to show all how beautiful he is!@ Green also says that there is a Adivine moment of inspiration when the judge is looking and the timing is right for the dog@ –that determines the winner! Good handlers are invisible.

The authoritative David Frei is the analyst for NBC=s coverage of the National as well as the Westminster Kennel Club Show. He is active in pet therapy, the Delta Society, and the Dog Writers Association of America and can be seen in the ring with his Brittanys. Peter Green is probably one of the most famous Terrier handlers in the world and has won 4 Best in Shows at Westminster. He lives in Bowmansville, Pa. Ernesto Lara, Green=s protégé, handles terriers and other breeds and currently travels with as many as 30 dogs. I met Peter Green=s son, Andrew, at the Back Mountain Kennel Club Show last year. It was a three-way conversation with Julian Prager, the legal guru for the Pennsylvania Federation. We discussed the Bloomsburg Fair Dog Show and Green suggested perhaps it should be monitored by humane officers! And, no it is not the oldest dog show in the country–unless you limit it to Afairs@.

Through the media conference I met Jeff Marginean, author of MY BUDDY BUTCH, Confessions of a New Dog Dad. Marginean also has a radio talk show (on which I was a guest along with Lisa Peterson, AKC Director of Communications). The main topic was the new Pennsylvania Dog Law. Sadly, there was not enough time to really cover the topic. The one-hour show covers pet topics ranging from food recalls, pet products, interviews, etc. Cesar Millan and his wife are scheduled. A product seal of approval is planned and there are Q&A segments with veterinarians, trainers and behaviorists.

Butch is a Boston Bull Terrier who brings a father and son closer together after the death of wife and mother. The book is available through Barnes and Noble.

Remember to watch the National Dog Show presented by Purina after the Macy’s Parade on Thanksgiving Day. This year’s show is in Reading (an hour’s drive from Peter Green’s Green Acres Kennel). And, take the time to meet Butch and listen to the program on everything current about dogs.

Nov 12, 2008 | | Uncategorized

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