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Sherry’s Corner » More Weigh in on White House Dog Selection; AVMA Advises Against Giving Exotic Pets to Children

More Weigh in on White House Dog Selection; AVMA Advises Against Giving Exotic Pets to Children

The American Humane Association (AHA) has picked a Puli for the White House First Dog. Named AYo Yo@, the dog is a 4-year-old Katrina rescue. We can expect many organizations with various agendas to weigh in on the choice of a dog for the Obama daughters. Let us hope that change will trump partisan agendas and focus on the need to be the best choice. The Puli is a Hungarian shepherd dog that herds and drives sheep. The coat is grey in color and is sometimes viewed as Aunkempt@. This particular dog has been described as a keen and quick dog with a springing gait like a bouncing ball. The Puli may not be the choice for a first-time dog owner.

AHA is uniquely qualified to help with the puppy choice since it is the only national organization that concerns itself not only with the welfare of pets but of children. In conjunction with the American Red Cross it published the first disaster guide for the evacuation and care of animals. Many outstanding welfare leaders have led this organization, including Ed Sayres, Jr., the present CEO of the American Society for the Prevention and Cruelty to Animals.

During the National Dog Show John O=Hurley suggested that the King Charles Cavalier Spaniel might be a good choice. Co-host and judge David Frei did not agree, noting that necessary grooming would make this breed a bad choice. ASome of us,@ he commented, Aare not used to having hair as condiment!@ Holly the Pointer, who went BIS, had been in Bloomsburg this summer, showing on the Fairgrounds at the Bald Eagle Kennel Club Show. And, ACharmin=@ the ever exciting Sealyham, has been shown on the Fairgrounds many times. Make it a point to see these outstanding dogs while they are in the area in 2009!

The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) is urging veterinarians to discourage exotic animals as gifts for children because of the zoonotic risks. Especially at the holiday season when donkeys, ducks (livestock) and other exotic pets such as reindeer are a focus of celebrations involving children, the necessity for appropriate hygiene is especially important. It would seem that malls and parades (besides focusing on banning dogs on suspicious dangerous dog lists) would do well to protect their customers from such risks.

The AVMA has also issued a list of questions and answers concerning pets and foreclosed homes. The organization stresses that owners should not assume that if a pet is left behind inside the house someone will find and care for it. It also emphasizes that dogs left in homes may attempt to protect their territory when strangers enter and the associated aggression will make it difficult to re-home the pet. The AVMA urges pet owners to try to find someone to foster or adopt a pet until another home can be found. To improve a pet=s chances of being adopted, include an up-to-date health record. It also is an asset if the pet is spayed or neutered, well trained and obedient. Resources include: ASPCA find a shelter, Pets911,, 1-800-SAVE-A-PET and Best Friends network.

Nov 30, 2008 | | Uncategorized

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