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Sherry’s Corner » “Stump” and Older Pets, and a Warning

“Stump” and Older Pets, and a Warning

Westminster-winning Sussex Spaniel Stump SHOULD have an influence in our area. His victory could help all older pets–both dogs and cats in shelters and rescues–find new homes where they can continue to be young at heart! If you subscribe to Cesar Milan’s newsletter, you read his eloquent defense of older pet adoption and the story of 14-year old“ Daddy. Since our therapy dogs visit nursing homes with senior citizen residents, perhaps the STUMP MESSAGE is that it is time to return the favor–our turn to give them love. 

       An OLDER DOG HELP LINE staffed by dog lovers and care-givers  might keep a dog in his home with his owners a few years longer as well as be a comfort for both pets and their people in times of crisis and loss.  They do not belong in shelters.

      The Pennsylvania SPCA used to send a certificate of merit to each owner of a senior pet adopted from them.  They were suitable for framing and I believe encouraged more owners to adopt older dogs as well as take added pride in a dog they had in the family many, many years. Also, according to Karen Blackledge the Danville shelter has been untouched by the recent turmoil in Philadelphia.  She also advises me that in these difficult economic times the shelter will give food to any pet owner who needs food for his companion animals.   

      House Bill 369 was introduced on Friday the 13th and hasn’t come up for a vote yet.  The bill would make it mandatory for every county to set up funding for dog sheltering with an increase in license fees.  The shelter money is to be divided among existing humane shelters and if there is none in the county, it will go to the shelter that houses the most county animals.  This came as a surprise to me since I was not aware such an account existed and how much was sent to each organization sheltering animals.  I wonder if this includes those without a physical building who rely on foster care.  The county dog shelter contribution is a 2.50 surcharge added to license fees.  I called our county treasurer who thought raising license fees at this time was a bad idea.  I then called our president commissioner.  He was also against the increase and said he was going to discuss his displeasure with Rep. Millard and Senator Gordner.  Then I went the extra mile–to Harrisburg and Jesse Smith, who said she did not believe the Governor would sign such a bill since he had promised not to raise dog license fees.  I am sure our shelters and rescues could use financial aid but is this the best way to do it and will it be fair to all?  

      Last notes: The late Ann Rogers Clark wrote the following about Poodles.  “Poodles are Labrador Retrievers with a college education.  My Poodle will do anything your Lab will do.  After a day in the field your Lab wants to curl up and snore in front of the fire.  My Poodle wants to be a fourth at bridge and tell naughty stories.”  Watching the last “Dog Whisperer”, I was surprised to hear Cesar Milan referred to as “Behaviorist Cesar Milan”.  No degree initials.  He doesn’t need them so good for him.  Beware of dog trainers who claim a bogus education.  Ask for references.  Observe classes.  What a trainer has done is more important than what they say they are.  I have to trust and like the trainer who helps me with my dogs–just as I do my vet.  A bad vet and a bad trainer are dangerous to your dog’s health.  

           WARNING:  HSUS has been coming to dog-owning homes and threatening to take away  dogs.  Ask anyone coming to your home/kennel to see their badge and a search warrant.  And, if a TV station approaches you at an event, tell them to call the AKC for comment.       

Mar 12, 2009 | | Uncategorized

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