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Sherry’s Corner » Ignorance of the Law is No Excuse

Ignorance of the Law is No Excuse

Two pieces of legislation bear watching.  House Bill 1254 involves tethering.  Amendments have been offered that perhaps might make this bill acceptable but it is still a mystery why dogs should not be tied out between the hours of 10 PM and 6 AM.  If dogs are barking during these hours then it seems they should be considered a nuisance and having them tied at that time is not an act of cruelty?  In the case of House Bill 39, which deals with tail docking and ear cropping, many of those who advise against this bill are opposed to anyone else making health decisions for their dogs.  Briefly, many of the human pro-choice arguments circle this legislation. Whether the owner and the veterinarian together should make this decision based on their beliefs about what is best for an individual animal is a personal matter.  (Monroe came home for Mother’s Day and her tail was wagging so fast and so hard that if it hadn’t been docked it would have been badly bruised or broken!  When you have that much joy to tell– what is better than a fast short tail!)   

      In New Jersey a court decision returned a dog to one of the owners in a custody case, citing a principle like one used in child custody cases— in this case, a “best interests of the pet doctrine”.  This was not opposed by the AVMA since it did not involve placing a monetary value on the dog.  The AVMA opposes valuing a pet except as a breeding animal with a pedigree and a use.  They believe this will open the door to malpractice suits.  In a similar livestock-oriented mindset the AVMA opposes spay/neuter for animals. 

      It has been announced that Cesar Millan will spearhead an effort by the National Geographic Channel to prevent breeding and retailing of puppies. This is an effort to force purchasers to obtain dogs from humane societies and rescues which will be exempt from all state and federal regulations.  Rescues and humane societies  already have total immunity from puppy lemon laws.

      I just renewed my membership in the Keystone English Springer Spaniel Club.  Renewal is more than a fee.  There is also a pledge to take back a dog from a seller if it doesn’t fit their lifestyle.  This is a dog’s life guarantee.  And, besides the listing fee each member pledges a donation to the breed rescue fund every time a puppy or dog is sold.  As Steve Dale wrote, ”good breeders are part of the solution–it is the breeders who breed only to make money and it is the pet stores who give them easy access to the public who are the problem.”       

TIP OF THE WEEK.  Readers are invited to use the AKC tracking system to research Pennsylvania laws as well as national and other states’ laws.     

      And, as long as we are now writing about other states and how they handle pet problems–the Chicago Red Cross chapter is partnering with the AVMA in finding temporary homes for pets when  fire destroys  homes.  The Red Cross was able to find homes for displaced people, but not their pets.  Consequently they found families sleeping in their cars with their pets.  Area veterinarians are now offering shelter for these pets.  Housing animal victims of a house fire is a program many hope will become a national effort.       

      The May issue of YOUR DOG, the publication of the Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University, has an excellent article on grooming tips for every stage of your dog’s life.  Dr. Lowell Ackerman, one of the top dermatologists in the country, weighs in with advice throughout the article.  For example, he advises using cornstarch on mats before combing. I use a mixture of cornstarch and baby powder when grooming out any mats in my Springers’ coats.  Doing so has the advantage of removing oils and dirt and leaves a good smell.     

May 20, 2009 | | Uncategorized

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