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Sherry’s Corner » Updates on Pet Health and Wellness Topics

Updates on Pet Health and Wellness Topics

Susquehanna Service Dogs, Harrisburg, has received its THIRD grant from the Planet Dog Foundation.  Pfizer has had a new drug approved–PALLADIA–to treat canine mast cell tumors.  A recent survey reveals that while in 1973 20% of pets were euthanized in shelters, the number today is less than 5%!  Is the spay/neuter thrust working?  Are “no-kill shelters” the answer?  Are we becoming more educated, more responsible owners?  And, surprise–only 6-8% of puppies are sold in pet stores.

      Cornell veterinarian Richard Goldstein delivered this month’s AKC pod cast on vaccinations.  Goldstein says that vaccines and vaccinations are so complicated today that only a veterinarian should give them–breeders take note–this is not the place to economize!  Most core vaccines are good for three years–not one year, as was the case in the past.  Non-core vaccines are another type. They need to be given annually due to the limited duration of effectiveness.  Leptospirosis is the most important of these non-core vaccines and this widely underdiagnosed disease is prevalent in the northeast.  Other non-core vaccines include Lyme and kennel cough.  Kennel cough–given both under the skin and nasally–needs to be given a week before a dog is kenneled or is going to an area where there are many dogs.  (There is an effort now to change the PA rabies law so that a high rabies titer will be sufficient and our senior canines will not have to have further vaccinations–which could prove fatal.  See Rabies Challenge Fund Charitable Trust.  Also, some believe that measuring the titers of canine parvovirus and distemper provide a good view of a pet’s immune competency. Talk to your veterinarian.)       

      To continue canine food dish thoughts–”Claims about human-grade pet food should be viewed with skepticism until you’ve checked with the manufacturer about how and where it was produced.  A natural diet, whether commercial, homemade or raw, can’t ensure a dog’s health.  Factors beyond nutrition influence good health, including genetics and regular veterinary care.  Although natural products have advantages they aren’t free from contamination by bacteria or other toxins” (Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University). When evaluating any OTC product there are questions you should ask yourself.  Is the manufacturer a name you recognize?  Are all the ingredients clearly listed on the label?  LABEL CLAIMS THAT SOUND TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE PROBABLY ARE.  Label claims should be based on CLINICAL TRIALS and not testimonials.  There should be an identification number or tracking system. Manufacturer information should be available concerning whom to contact for customer support.

      Cesar Millan’s rehabilitation techniques have recently been the object of letters  to the editor in the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association (JAVMA). Authors of the letters are behaviorists and the subject is exercises and techniques used by Cesar to rehabilitate dogs and (train people). They are concerned with the question of humane training.  They seem to forget that it is the person who is being educated.  In my opinion Cesar is much more polite and diplomatic than I could ever be when dealing with some of these pet owners.  Also, I have to wonder how many of these behaviorists could skateboard with a bulldog or run 3 miles with a pack of dogs?

      Interesting that Cesar stresses the importance of exercise.  Not a behaviorist solution but the famous Louis Muir who bred the best Russian Wolfhounds or Borzois in the country stressed exercise back in 1976.  Muir, an antique dealer, used a bicycle rather than a skateboard and wore a suit and tie, not speedos.  Cesar does not claim that his methods are training methods but rehabilitation.  Rehabilitation is not a term used by behaviorists.  It appears to be the process of harmonizing the lifestyle between a dog and a person.  By the way, Off Lead magazine wants to hear from dog trainers–their funniest episodes.       

Jun 15, 2009 | | Uncategorized

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