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Sherry’s Corner » Rabies and Breast Cancer–October is the Scariest Month of the Year!

Rabies and Breast Cancer–October is the Scariest Month of the Year!

A doctor friend once explained to me that October had been chosen as breast cancer awareness month because they needed to mark the disease with fear.  “Let’s face it,” he said, “everyone thinks of black cats, werewolves, bats and all things dark associated with Halloween in October.  Veterinarians also associate  rabies with October to promote prevention of a deadly disease–in this case, rabies.  How better to market prevention?” Thus, a month thatis really a pumpkin celebration now also includes a pink ribbon! Today, of course, thanks to the wonderful volunteers of the American Cancer Society the treatment of cancer is filled with warm and friendly support groups and individuals who not only drive the extra mile to make sure appointments are kept, but provide a listening ear.  Rabies, however, remains a disease especially dangerous in Pennsylvania.  There are more rabid cats in the Commonwealth than any state in the country. But dogs could enter the picture next year with an increase in stray dog victims due to the economy!  (And although cats have “furious rabies”, foxes are also known to be quite aggressive.)    

      And, with the state budget problems, state testing to confirm rabies cases may suffer–did you know that even dogs vaccinated against rabies may catch it?  But,  it doesn’t have to be that way.  If we can prevent rabies through oral bait drops to  wildlife to create rabies-free zones, there is no reason we cannot treat feral cats with bait so they too are not carriers of this always-fatal disease.  

     At present we are importing dogs into the country with rabies–a  rabid puppy from India (2007), a rabid dog from Iraq into New Jersey in 2008!  Perhaps the new and unsuspecting terrorists among us??  And since rabies kills more animals in Haiti and other South American countries we must be careful before importing puppies into foster homes.

DVM Pharmaceuticals Alert. DVM Pharmaceuticals (brand name) has been shut down by the FDA for quality control violations so avoid purchasing any Teva drugs.

MORE ON H3N8 OR CANINE FLU. First of all, there is no evidence that it has been or can be spread from dogs to humans.  The virus stays on surfaces for 48 hours and on hands for 12 hours so disinfecting and washing hands are important.  The incubation period is from 2 to 4 days and it is marked by a cough that can last up to 21 days.  Unlike the traditional flus, this is not seasonal. The American Veterinary Medical Association has just published a backgrounder on canine flu and swine flu. Under the orange “Public Health Bar” click on “influenza”.

PENN STATE RESEARCHER STUDIES EFFECTS OF DAP ON DOGS SUFFERING FROM THUNDERSTORM STRESS. A recent study published in JAVMA concludes that puppies that wear kerchiefs sprayed with DAP learn quicker in training classes than those with odorless kerchiefs.  Now Dr. Emily Dreschel of Penn State has found that during thunderstorms the saliva of frightened dogs contains more cortisol than that of calm dogs. The DAP on kerchiefs (dog-appeasing phenome) is a vital part of the study.  Anecdotal evidence indicates that DAP helps dogs who are afraid to ride in cars, too.  And, I have found that DAP works in senility or canine Alzheimers anxiety attacks with my senior citizens.   

Oct 07, 2009 | | Uncategorized

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