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Sherry’s Corner » California Veto, Assistance Programs, and Pet Rehab

California Veto, Assistance Programs, and Pet Rehab

ANIMAL CRACKERS. California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has vetoed a bill that would make it a crime for any person to own or control over 50 unsterilized dogs for breeding or for sale as pets.  Stating that although he was AGAINST puppy mills and FOR measures designed to prevent animal cruelty and abuse, he stressed he was AGAINST placing an arbitrary cap on the number of animals.  The cap, he reasoned, would criminalize the lawful activities of reputable breeders, kennels and charitable organizations engaged in raising service and assistance dogs.

WELCOME HoBeaux! The O’Neill family has a new family member and he is a Boxer! HoBeaux is a High Tech brindle Boxer puppy (Dr. Trusdales famous boxer kennel) that is happily living now in Bloomsburg with Jynx, the Toy Fox Terrier–did you see him on Animal Planets Dogs 101?  The famed agility Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen named Gy makes three!       

PROGRAMS ASSIST PET OWNERS FACING TOUGH TIMES. Programs exist that target unemployed pet owners, pet owners who dont qualify for credit and those whose pets need emergency care–the alternative euthanasia!  According to a Petfinder survey, 47% of shelters said the primary reason for pet relinquishment was economic, 16% also cited home foreclosure and 37% said there was a drop in adoptions.  Pet caregivers stress that pets are at the bottom of the list for financial outlays when owners have loss of income. 

      Due to the economy we will see more and more fund-raising efforts for our best friends.  The choices are many and often are great newspaper and television stories.  Like so many of these stories some are exaggerated and some are untrue.  To help a neighbor or a friend whose pets need help is probably the best choice of all.  If that is not an option give to a reputable  organization.  We have many small groups in the area that are giving loving care to pets without publicity. Unfortunately, I recently heard of a dog in the Danville Shelter that has been there almost a year.  He cant walk on a leash.  In a case like this funding is not the answer.  He needs someone to donate their time and patience.  Avoid individual stories of need unless sanctioned by  a reputable reference.  Of late I find dog trainers much more reputable than veterinarians and in fact some rescue groups check with area trainers before adopting a dog to a family.   

      Did you know that the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) has a Helping Pets Fund for individuals who are unemployed?  The Fund offers grants to AAHA hospitals across the country.  Ask locally.  Veterinary colleges have funds for pet owners who dont qualify for credit but whose animals are likely to recover completely–will the Pennsylvania Veterinary College fund Timmys hearing aid? There are funds to help animals in emergencies while some programs focus on species, breeds or medical conditions.  Many offer low-cost spay and neuter procedures and routine preventative care.  Sources for assistance include: UNITED ANIMAL NATIONS     AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR THE PREVENTION OF CRUELTY TO ANIMALS help with my vet bills@ under Pet Care.  HUMANE SOCIETY OF THE UNITED STATES care under What you can do if you are having trouble affording veterinary care and Having trouble affording your pet?

PET REHAB. Clinics across the country that offer pet rehab services are seeing appointments double and surgical procedures drop.  These clinics are often dubbed the last hope.” At present there are 130 veterinarians trained in this new discipline.  In pet rehab veterinarians work with rehabilitation professionals to help pets gain pain-free lives once again.   

Oct 22, 2009 | | Uncategorized

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