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Sherry’s Corner » Would You Buy a Bic from a Bull or a Gillette from Taz?

Would You Buy a Bic from a Bull or a Gillette from Taz?

Dogs have been used in commercials more than any other animal.  The question is, what will Gillette do with Tiger Woods?  They may have to add his dogs to new commercials.  Already both dogs are frequently pictured with a smiling Woods family.   

      In commercials and as image builders dogs are popular because they have a strong positive product viewer-recall.  Ad agencies like dogs because they are much easier to train than cats–although with Tiger, a cat might be a better fit!  However, not all cats are as trainable as my Rusty, an orange marmalade stray, who quickly learned to come when called and to heel on command!  Rusty was in a college production targeted at understanding cats in order to avoid cat bites–bites that are more dangerous and more frequent than dog bites.  HE WAS THE STAR.

HELPING THE UNEMPLOYED BECOME DOG TRAINERS–ANOTHER QUESTION. The Salvation Army and author Matthew Margolis have proposed teaching low-income and no-income people how to become dog trainers–small business owners.  Is it time to have criteria for calling oneself a dog trainer?  Is it enough to have trained one’s own dog, to have attended multiple dog training classes and to earn a degree with an internet certificate? Teaching man’s best friend should not be considered a job but a  profession with EXPERIENCE.  

HAVE A BLACK AND BLUE CANINE CHRISTMAS–EVERY DAY I FEEL SORRY FOR BLACK DOGS.  I wish there was a prayer especially for them.  If there were black Springers I would own one.  If I were going to foster a dog I would foster a black dog.  There are many reasons for this feeling– number one is that I believe color does make the dog! I believe we will find that black dogs are genetically more sound than the other colors in a breed.  A Cornell researcher once told me black Labradors, for example, had fewer eye problems than the yellow and chocolate Labs.  To further reinforce that recently I had the opportunity to watch the renowned Jim Reynolds judge the sporting group.  His pick was a black Labrador that he said, “spoke to him and I always put up the dog who speaks to me”.  And yet, black dogs are less apt to be chosen for adoption in shelters and rescues.  The next time someone asks you to help them, choose a puppy or a dog as a family addition–maybe this Christmas–do look long and hard at the black dogs, and it wouldn’t hurt to listen either!   

      The other color dog I would advise all parents to consider is the BLUE DOG.  “Blue Dog” is the name of a colorful way to prevent dog bites through an American Veterinary Medical Association program on communication with dogs.  The Blue Dog Parent Guide and CD is designed to help parents and children safely interact.  It is targeted toward children ages 3 to 6 and the cost is only $8.  Call the AVMA at 800-248-2862, ext. 6655 or visit  It is an especially appropriate gift since so many bites are triggered by play and toys–the ones which squeak–and become toys of choice at Christmas.  I even believe toys which make a noise should have a warning label, “this toy may bring out the prey instinct in a dog”. 

WHAT DO YOU GIVE SOMEONE WHO HAS NOTHING?–has lost his best friend! A new booklet published by the Argus Institute, College of Veterinary Medicine, Colorado University, is filled with valuable suggestions from both the hospice and medical standpoints.  It is especially helpful for anyone who suffers the inevitable guilt which comes with the loss of a pet.  Thanks to the generosity of Dr. and Mrs Walter Brasch, the booklet is available through veterinary hospitals or by calling the Grief Hotline at 570-784-2460.         


Dec 21, 2009 | | Uncategorized

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