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Sherry’s Corner » The Cost of Caring for Your Dog

The Cost of Caring for Your Dog

For dog owners in need of financial help in paying for veterinary services, there is a 14-page list of groups and organizations available on the Internet  The resource is divided by region, breed, state, illness or disability  and owner need.  The list was compiled by Dr. Nancy Kay, who won a Maxwell award in the 2010 Dog Writers Association of America competition for her book, Speaking for Spot. Listed in Pennsylvania are the following: the Animal Rescue of Western PA, The Humane Society of Berks County Veterinary Hospital, the Animal Care and Assistance Fund and Animal Care and Welfare (Pittsburgh).  Phone numbers and information follow each listing. 

IF HEARTWORM, LYME DISEASE DON’T KILL YOUR DOG PERHAPS PREVENTION WILL? A chilling statement on one of the popular topical prevention medications reminds us to carefully consult PRODUCT INSERTS.  “WARNINGS: For the first 30 minutes after application ensure that dogs cannot lick the product from application sites on themselves or other treated dogs from one another and from other pets to reduce the risk of ingestion.  Ingestion of this product by dogs  may cause serious adverse reactions including depression, salivation, dilated pupils, incoordination, panting and generalized muscle tremors.  In avermectin sensitive dogs the signs may be more severe and MAY INCLUDE COMA AND DEATH.  CHILDREN SHOULD NOT COME IN CONTACT WITH THE APPLICATION SITE FOR TWO HOURS AFTER APPLICATION.  I would add– a dog should not be treated 2 hours before going to training class or going to a nursing home, hospital or school visit.

PA CELL PHONE DOGS. It should be interesting to watch passage of the bill mandating the K-9 Cell Phone Detection program in our state prisons.  And, we should be proud of Rep. Bob Belfanti for recognizing the need and supporting the bill.  In N.J. the prison staff trained the dogs.  Who will do the training in the Commonwealth and can the dogs be shelter dogs?  More employment for our best friends.

DOGNAPPING. The editor of the Spectrum, Bloomsburg University’s magazine, is writing an article on dognapping.  There really isn’t much need to steal dogs today to supply research and educational needs.  We have an abundance of dogs from puppy mills.  Class B dealers handle random-source dogs, dogs who come from various places.  The dog law prohibits dogs from shelters going to research facilities so the way to save puppy mill surplus dogs is to put them in shelters.  There was a time when the Buckhorn truck stop was the location of “bunchers” who stole dogs to sell to dealers.  Also, many residents thought Geisinger  research benefited  from local strays and missing dogs.  However, when Dr. Howard Morgan took the helm of the research center he also had on staff a very capable and caring veterinarian, Dr. Sally Wixon, who zealously guarded the health and welfare of all animal subjects–ALL BRED FOR PURPOSE.  Today, of course, strays are a source of concern for local dog wardens.  Melissa Bair is working on such a case in Lewistown and asking for support.  527-4016. 

MORE IMPORTANT THAN ACADEMY AWARD VIDEOS. The AKC Health Foundation has announced the release of five videos (each over an hour in length) for dog owners.  Topics include cardiac research, oncology trials, immunonutrition, new neurological disease findings and “One Health, One Medicine” links to the human-animal bond.  All are available on your PC.   


Mar 06, 2010 | | Uncategorized

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