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Sherry’s Corner » Recent News: Bedbug-sniffing dogs, mixed-breeds in agility, hip dysplasia

Recent News: Bedbug-sniffing dogs, mixed-breeds in agility, hip dysplasia

Headline in the New York Times–A NEW BREED OF GUARD DOG ATTACKS BEDBUGS.  Fascinating, I thought.  I wonder what they call this new breed–or is it a mixed breed?  Is it recognized by the AKC? It turned out that the feature was about a puggle named Cruiser that searches hotels, college dorms, office buildings, etc., looking for bedbugs. Cost for a Cruiser visit is $350 and he can earn over a thousand dollars a day! Entomology researchers at the University of Florida report that well-trained dogs can detect a single live bug or egg with 95% accuracy. A CAGNEY QUESTION– if the entry levels are down in the mixed-breed AKC events, then perhaps these dogs are working for something more than a MACH or a ribbon?  Follow the money trail right to the bedbugs!

      The first weekend mixed breeds were allowed to compete in AKC rally, agility and obedience trials, a total of 29 clubs hosted 75 events.  An agility judge told me the number of mixed breeds in competition was small–as few as one or two dogs in one of the events she judged.                  

      However, the opening of AKC events to mixed breeds has brought a whole new learning experience for many owners.  A great well-trained dog is a necessity but there are other things to think about, like water and water dishes, treats, a comfortable and familiar place to rest between and before events.  Many states require health certificates.  And, it would be a good idea to carry a copy of the rabies certificate and entry.  Also, it would be wise to make sure dogs are securely crated/seat belt harnessed, while in transit.  Advice: if possible join a local kennel club or training group and travel with members.  Today, fortunately many clubs that sponsor these events have organized special hospitality groups to help newcomers. 

      Since May 8 is NATIONAL DISASTER PREPAREDNESS DAY this would be a good time for all of us to check pet evacuation kits and add fresh food and water.  This year I added a pet food measuring cup to the kit. This special cup was free from Innova and I got it from Sunlight in Bloomsburg.  Also I received a large plastic clip good for keeping open bags closed.  Both are items I had not thought of adding.  The other new addition was a pill case.  They give them away free at senior centers.

THE LATEST ON HIP DYSPLASIA. This debilitating disease can end working dogs’ careers and disable active pets. Up to 50% of dogs in certain large breeds are affected.  Dr. George Lust, professor of physiological chemistry at Cornell, is working on ways to understand and control the disease. Dr. Lust is working toward a genetic test that can be used early in a dogs life to tell whether the dog will develop the condition as it gets older. “We want to find a way to diagnose it from a sample of blood or a cheek swab,” he explains. Hip dysplasia is likely caused by a combination of genes, said Lust.

       SPECTRUM magazine, an award-winning effort by Bloomsburg University students, is now available.  Three articles may be of interest to members.  They include THE BUNCHERS, an investigation of class B dealers and animal cruelty, ALZHEIMERS, ARTHRITIS, DIABETES AND DOGS, and AN EXTENSION OF MOTHERHOOD.  The latter is about me.  It is flattering and parts of it are even true.  The bonus is a great picture of Cagney doing her Elizabeth Taylor pose and Hepburn checking out a sculpture of a Springer once owned by Senator John Gordner’s aide, Karen Venditi.  SPECTRUM is the brain child of Dr. Walter Brasch with his lovely wife, Rose riding shot gun!  And, of course Senator Gordner sponsored the National Day of Prayer resolution in the Senate–the first Thursday in May, a day to recognize the power of prayer.  I always include my dogs in my prayers and I hope you do, too.

May 07, 2010 | | Uncategorized

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