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Sherry’s Corner » Mother’s Day has Passed, but Let’s Still Celebrate!

Mother’s Day has Passed, but Let’s Still Celebrate!

MOTHER’S DAY HAS PASSED, BUT SHOULD WE STILL CELEBRATE WITH DUCKS IN DIAPERS?  Our local paper recently published a story about ducks tested to do therapy–they passed– but had to wear diapers!  Not even experienced dogs are allowed this privilege if they are incontinent!  The owner is Neil Young (Funny Farm), most famous for owning Timmy the dog who wears a hearing aid.  (Funny Farm animals make headlines.)  Linda Hendricks, a 4-H educator, tested the ducks and, yes, one duck was named “Daffy”.  Cagney’s question: is happiness really a warm duck?  And, is this therapy?  Personally, I do not believe that livestock and exotic animals should be considered pets!  And, even if ducks were considered pets this therapy appears to be more like taking a pet and toy parade or petting zoo into a nursing home!  This could be Funny Farm entertainment but it is a stretch to call it therapy or even educational.  A state law prevents liability lawsuits attached to pet therapy.  It was introduced and passed mainly due to the efforts of former Senator Ed Helfrick.  I wonder if either he or the State has or had livestock and exotic animals in mind.  Is it time for a legal definition of  pet therapy?    

      Clearly, the ducks did not enjoy the interaction (according to the reporter who wrote the story– so animal rights advocates take heed) . I don’t believe there is any documentation that duck therapy has positive benefits like increased heart health, lower blood pressure, or benefits by “ walking the duck”– although Young claims the ducks are wonderful with autistic children! Laughter, of course, is healing.  Ducks in diapers might evoke laughter or at least giggles.  But, isn’t it important to respect animals? Respect is vital for kindness. I fail to see lessons of respect and kindness in this therapy.  Cagney questions–will any funds gained from duck appearances be sent to help the oil contaminated ducks and other wildlife offshore in the Gulf of Mexico?  

THINKING OUT OF THE BOX. My 13-year-old Springer, Cagney, recently contracted pneumonia and we learned two helpful lessons.  A pill box can be a great asset in organizing the new medications and a medication schedule.  Further, a floor fan on low speed can make breathing easier.  And remember to take care of yourself when taking care of a sick pet! 

EPA IMPOSES NEW REGULATIONS ON SPOT-ON FLEA AND TICK PESTICIDES. Although the government did not see any reason to ban any of these products it did see a need to require stronger labeling statements to prevent misuse–particularly in the area of weight restrictions.  Spot-on products have caused incidents ranging from skin irritations to death, with most adverse reactions occurring in animals less than 3 years old and weighing 10 to 20 pounds.  Pet owners are urged to read instructions carefully.  (You can and should receive medication information sheets with all drugs prescribed for your pet–even in pill bottles!)

REMEMBER MAY 16 - 22 IS NATIONAL DOG BITE PREVENTION WEEK.  A small number of coloring book sets are still available for use in programs; however, the best program today is BLUE DOG, available through the AVMA.  Talk to your veterinarian or download materials www.     

May 17, 2010 | | Uncategorized

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