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Sherry’s Corner » Disaster Training and Preparedness Should Include Nuclear Disasters

Disaster Training and Preparedness Should Include Nuclear Disasters

Back in the late 1980s the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association (JAVMA) devoted an issue to pet and animal disaster care.  Many of the articles have become classics–especially those dealing with nuclear disaster.  This topic is ignored today.  Even though nuclear proliferation is a hot topic  we continue to be complacent when it comes to our pets and animals (as well as ourselves) when it comes to this calamity.  We train for floods and fires , chemical spills, hurricanes and tornados.  But, according to a recent New Yorker article, “we are still locked into a mind-set that nuclear war preparedness would be futile.” 

A  flash of light can signal this catastrophe–like a firecracker in the sky.  We have 15 seconds to get to the core or center of a building away from windows–basements are best.  For people and animals  water, air and TRUST are a necessity.  A battery-operated radio and nutrition bars, a whistle and gauze pads, collars and leashes and some dry ration are a plus.  The ‘80s JAVMA writers advocated placing a plastic wading pool filled with water on top of chairs or a table and getting pets underneath.  The water-filled pool absorbs radiation and can be an emergency water supply.  Lack of water and air and trust can be fatal.   

The service dog that helped his owner out of the Twin Towers on 9/11 had to be calm and trusting. His owner reports that he spent a great deal of time relaxing his dog.  It is important in all disasters to keep pets as calm as possible.  Canine Good Citizen training is the best preparation.  See:  Nuclear Disaster, Stephen J. Schulte, DVM, JAVMA March 15, 1987.  See also: Radiologic Hazards and Defense, John E. Morrison, DVM, and The NJ Plan for Response to Nuclear Plant Accidents, Sidney R. Nusbaum, DVM.  There are also limited copies of a booklet titled: Guidelines for Emergency Pet Care, an Animal-Vues publication : Bloomsburg University.

NO DOG FRIENDLY CANDIDATES. Julian Prager believes there were no dog-friendly candidates in the recent Pennsylvania primary.  Advice:  By using the write-in option a successful effort was mounted against Rep. Dave Millard who does not vote “dog”. One reason:  As a member of the Bloomsburg Fair Board he views dogs as part of agriculture–as dog farming!  Perhaps candidates could be invited to club, organization meetings and events?  Invite Prager too for an informal debate.  Also, write letters to the editor to learn candidates’ views on dog issues.  Spotlight the needy incumbents! 

GROOM FOR THE GULF. “Matter of Trust” is an environmental San Francisco-based organization that takes pet and people hair and makes oil-absorbent hair mats.  The hair is stuffed into recycled nylon stockings.  A gallon of oil can be absorbed by a pound of hair in two minutes!! 

DOG BITES A FORM OF FAMILY VIOLENCE. Although May 16-22 was National Dog Bite Prevention Week the public service education must continue every week of the year.  Be a good journalist/speaker and update your statistics.  About 4.5 million Americans are bitten each year, with one in five resulting in injuries requiring medical attention and 31,000 people undergo reconstructive surgery.  Children ages five through nine are most at risk.  The attacking dog is usually a family member and so you might call dog bites a form of family violence!   


May 23, 2010 | | Uncategorized

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