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Sherry’s Corner

New and further thoughts on good dog training and nutrition

Weis Markets is now carrying Springer Mountain Farms chicken–nothing to do with English Springer Spaniels, although they do love leftover chicken and, of course, hard- boiled eggs. As a result, I have been reading about poultry that meets the American Humane Association (AHA) standards for farm animals. AHA requires Athat animals be raised in ways which reduce stress, and with adequate shelter, comfortable resting areas, sufficient space, proper facilities and the ability to express normal behavior@. There is a seal on this new chicken at Weis that reads AAmerican Humane Association (AHA) free farmed certified@. To earn this approval the grower has to be inspected and approved by AHA–not a government agency or consumer group. The package also reads: no chemical medicines administered, no antibiotics ever administered, no animal or poultry products in feed and no growth stimulants or hormones, fed an all vegetable diet. I bought a package of thighs and used a coupon. It is found next to the other brands. The cost was slightly more for a similar amount but I count the additional cost as my contribution to a better life for all. Like so many others, there is less and less disposable income in my budget, and encouraging humane care is important. By the way, AHA–which dates to 1877–was the pioneer partner with the American Red Cross in setting standards for pet disaster care, issuing the first published guidelines. A review of these guidelines reveals advocacy of mass euthanasia of stray and abandoned pets and body burning. This was at a time before the human-animal bond was recognized as an important link in being human. The AHA also gives equal attention to humane care and the education of children–the only national organization to do this. Since this is my first Springer Mountain Farms purchase I think it only fitting to make chicken soup–chicken soup with a soul!

On to dog trainers–there are too many bad dog trainers and they do such harm. I fear more people will decide to become dog trainers to help supplement their income. We will all suffer–especially our dogs. You never really get to know the man or woman who teaches a dog training class, yet they will influence your friendship with your dog and perhaps your life together. Because we own a dog, we are never unloved or unwanted. It might be a little easier to follow training instructions and reinforcement schedules if we knew something about the person teaching us how to handle this wonderfully important relationship. If I personally don=t want a person for a friend and a guest in my home, then I feel I don=t want him or her helping me to train my dog.

There is a book by Job Michael Evans titled ATraining and Explaining, How to be the Dog Trainer You Want to Be@. The book contains some wisdom from another favorite author, Carol Lea Benjamin–If you don=t have a sense of humor you probably should not have a dog@. And from Job, Awear practical, but beautiful clothing–people must look at you for the whole evening so make it a treat, not a torture!@ His advice to trainers and dog owners is to Akeep a journal to record your observations and hopes@. Job=s first book was AHow To Be Your Dog=s Best Friend@. He later said he felt this was a bad title. He believed that too many people tried to make the dog a friend when they should recognize a dog for himself and say ALet=s Be Friends Together@. Job was always concerned about ethics and honesty. He wrote, ATake time to love. Everything you do with dogs, including falling in love with some of them will flow out of that developed love.@

I have a wonderful videotape of Job teaching pre-schoolers how to interact with dogs. There is such gentleness and kindness in his instruction. Perhaps we should teach this before anger and aggression take root in our young people. We have always felt dogs were like children in so many ways. Thus, it is perhaps important to note that ASeeds of Compassion@, the meeting with the Dalai Lama on teaching compassion that recently took place in Washington State occurred at the location where the human-animal bond was born. Leo Bustad, a veterinarian as well known for his horrible sports jackets as the Dalai Lama is for his saffron robes, authored the book, ACompassion, Our Last Great Hope@. If dogs are allowed in the Dalai Lama=s heaven, then I am sure he will meet this wonderful veterinarian.

Apr 20, 2008 | Comments are off | American Humane Association, Job Michael Evans, Leo Bustad, Springer Mountain Farms, Uncategorized, human-animal bond

Pennsylvania Dog Law, Blueberries, and “Shrimp”


According to Deputy Secretary Jesse Smith, the Dog Law Advisory Board meeting has been moved to May 14th. Rep. David Millard has scheduled a meeting with Smith in his Bloomsburg office on the 8th. Since the Dog Law Bureau has decided to take the new regulations through the legislative process, anyone who has concerns should write, call or email Millard. Wouldn=t it be nice if Representative Merle Phillips and Senator John Gordner would join in this effort to gather information? Phillips, by the way, was one of the first elected officials to target and promote the need for dog bite prevention education–especially for toddlers. You might even call Phillips the AGod Father of UGH DOG@ ( symbol for a dangerous dog designed to warn those who cannot read that there is a biting dog on the premises). UGH DOG is part of the Dangerous Dog law and was whelped in Columbia County, drawn by an artist who was a dog bite victim, and later modified by the Geisinger Medical Center.

I urge all dog lovers to take the time to read breed columns in various all-breed magazines and also to seek out magazines that are specific to a breed. For example, understanding terriers is most important. Not only are terriers an endangered group in the world of dogs, but many of the dogs that need homes in our shelters and rescues are terriers. Fostering and owning terriers or terrier mixes has unique problems special to these breeds. It is important that we understand their history and purpose and appreciate these wonderful companions–or we may lose them. Breed-specific legislation (BSL) and dwindling registrations are taking a toll on terriers. Cesar, the renowned dog trainer, is leading the way by making his Ademo@ dog and companion, “Daddy” and “Junior”, a five-month-old blue pit bull, TV examples of good dogs. Also, organizations and groups should donate dog books and magazines to local libraries to promote all-breed understanding. An example of a great terrier magazine is Just Terriers, published four times a year. Besides stories and articles on terriers, the magazine provides readers with book reviews of interest to all dog lovers– one example is AThe Miss Fido Manners complete book of dog etiquette@ ; another is AWinterdance: The Fine Madness of Running the Iditarod@, plus such provocative articles as the use of bloodroot in tumor treatment and the new AAngel on a Leash@ therapy dog movement. Angel is led by the famed David Frei of Westminster fame, accompanied by his two Brittanys, and usually has Westminster winners making the rounds of children=s hospitals.

When I read about the value of blueberries in a dog=s diet I added them to my Springers’ breakfast fare. Blueberries, of course, are an excellent source of antioxidants, and the article by a noted nutritionist in the AKC Gazette told how the fruit was added to the diets of Westminster winners. Most veterinarians moan about dry diets being over- processed to the point that much of the nutritive value put into the bags isn=t as beneficial as natural sources of the same substances. One veterinarian in a letter to the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association suggested that canned food had a higher nutritive value than dry foods since it wasn=t subjected to the same degree of over-processing. He suggested adding canned food to a dry kibble for a better diet and, of course, adding t/d to make sure the teeth and gums remained healthy. Unfortunately, t/d is high calorie and so one has to watch amounts of this excellent formula.

The same issue of the journal contains a study of oral dental chews shaped like toothbrushes. These treats are now quite safe because the manufacturer has changed the formula so the chews dissolve more quickly and don=t cause blocking problems. Make sure, however, the toothbrush-shaped treats are marked post-2006.

And finally, the breed or combination of breeds of the poster dog for Pennsylvania puppy mills, AShrimp”, owned by Mainline Rescue=s Bill Smith, and seen on “Oprah”, is a subject of debate and interest. Shrimp has a history of being a purebred AKC-registered Poodle and originally looked starved, neglected and inbred. Shrimp is currently a Maltese Poodle mix. There is a way to determine Shrimp=s lineage and we have to when Shrimp’s owner will take the steps necessary to answer this question, now that Shrimp has become a celebrity dog. Doing so will allow us to get on to the real problems of spay/neuter and most especially designer dogs who are probably the largest population found in Pennsylvania shelters.

Apr 12, 2008 | Comments are off | Dangerous Dog Law, Dog Law Advisory Board, UGH DOG, Uncategorized, blueberries, dog magazines, oral dental chews

Pet Food Indictments, Barbero, Etc.

This could be a future Law and Order TV script–the indictment naming Sally Q Miller, 31, a Chinese national, and her husband Stephen, 55,  in the pet food recall involving ChemNutra,  of Las Vegas, Nevada.  Heck, it could even be a CSI!  The recall in 2007 was due to Chinese shipments of wheat gluten tainted with melamine falsely labeled to avoid inspections in China and the U.S .  The melamine was added to boost the protein contained in the wheat gluten to 75% and then sold to pet food companies. Both Millers say they look forward to proving their innocence at trial.  It would be interesting to learn more about this married couple.  For instance–do they have pets?  

Barbaro=s veterinarian is now doing speaking engagements about the famous race horse that we hoped would beat the odds and live a long life.  This was probably the most public and closely watched case in all equine rehabilitation medicine.  Just recently, rehabilitation veterinarians have formed an association and will be holding their first meeting in August.  Most of the 40 members are private veterinarians.  There are even clinics that focus on rehabilitation medicine, from orthopedic surgery to the management of chronic arthritis.  Rehabilitation medicine can involve nutrition, behavior, hydrotherapy and even acupuncture. 

We have been living with lots of prejudice in the dog world and taking it for granted–but should we?  There are some people who turn up their nose at the idea of owning a small dog and just as many who would never own a big dog!  We could call them Asizists@.  Of course, there are those who would only own a pure-bred and just as many who believe the best dogs are mixed breeds.  And, it goes further than that.  Some will look with pity on anyone who does not own a terrier and others who think only a hound will be suitable as a best friend.  We could call them Abreedists@.  Within the world of purebred dogs there are prejudices associated with kennel names which can be synonymous with bloodlines .  For example, at one time everyone who owned a Salilyn Springer was a tad above those who owned a Telltale Springer.  A like prejudice exists today in the mixed breed world .  For example, there are those who will only own Labrador/Shepherd mixes!  The rescue and humane groups have created this distance in their world, too.  It is better to own a Arescue@ than a dog from your neighbor=s litter or a dog that wandered into your backyard.  And those adopting dogs apparently prefer not to take a black dog.  Some believe the color makes a dog=s eyes appear less expressive.  There is even a BBD syndrome (big black dog), according to Chris Leavins.  In order to overcome this challenge, shelter personnel have begun to tie bandanas around the necks of even medium-sized black dogs.   We have forgotten that all dogs are full of love and loyalty for people and never look at who we are or what we were or who our parents might have been.  We are created equal in their eyes.  We should follow their example.

I have been receiving phone calls from dog owners who want to register their ACA dog with the AKC.  There is an AKC program to do just this.  Contact David Roberts at  In my opinion the AKC choice is the best one.  AKC registration opens doors to more events for owner dog sharing and helps in tracking health problems.  It also adds to the dollar value of your best friend in case of an accident or death.

I applaud listing pets in people obituaries as surviving family members.  Now we need to add the phrase Adonations may be made to” for  pet care. We forget that many of our older pet owners have older pets who have expensive care attached to their lifestyle.  We all can=t leave our pets $3M apiece as Oprah did but this might help make our last years more peaceful.  Surviving family members aren=t always as aware of our bond with our pets and its importance.

Apr 05, 2008 | Comments are off | AKC, Barbero, pet food

Be a Discerning Reader

Usually in these blogs I will refrain from writing a commentary and instead write about things I found interesting in the animal world.  I caution readers to always exercise caution when reading what is written by any author.  Authors can write reliable material but they may also have an agenda or can lack experience and background. Living authors I trust are Dr. Myrna Milani, Dr. Larry Glickman, Pat Miller, Kathryn Braund, and Dr. Karen Overall.

1.  I like the commercial of the dog chasing a ball in front of a mirror.  The dog stops and looks at himself and the impression is that he likes what he sees.  I find this amusing because it reminds me of the Amirror test@.  The mirror test is part of a cognitive battery of tests to determine learning ability.  Recently both young and old Beagles were tested to ascertain their cognitive ability was and how it was affected by nutrition.  The age-impaired (mentally slowed Beagles) reacted to the mirror test.  The younger, unimpaired Beagles did not.  I don=t know whether the commercial is for Petco or IAMS but I wonder if the sponsor is aware of the mirror test and what it may truly mean. 

      Recently I reviewed a study on the effect of nutrition on the cognitive development of young Beagles.  The study showed no effect of a supplement on cognition.  (Since the study is still confidential I will have to call the supplement AX@.)  Imagine my surprise when I saw a bag of dog food bearing a picture of Beagles and the claim that if puppies ate it they would become smarter!!  When I can, I will reveal the name of the company making nutritional claims it can=t prove and provide more background on supplement X.

2.  The newly passed Los Angeles law that mandates sterilization of puppies at 4 months of age is also interesting.   I wonder how many veterinarians will agree that this is an appropriate age to sterilize pets.  Already there is a call to delete breeders= names and address  lists from show catalogs, and dog owner lists from organizations. This should force breeders underground, making it ever more difficult to find a well-bred dog and a responsible owner.  Laws like this also spell the end of newspaper revenue from  APets For Sale@ classifieds!

3.  The Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association recently reported that more than a third of states have pet lemon laws–ASeveral of the pet lemon laws require dealers to maintain records on the health and disposition of each animal at the time of sale.  The laws do not address what happens to the animals that dealers replace, however.@   Does anyone know what happens to the pet that is returned to a pet store?   Also, John Yates in his 3-part series on the proposed new regulations writes that he believes rescues and shelters should also be under the puppy lemon law to protect new owners. 

4.  Ever heard of Atennis ball mouth@?  I hadn=t.  According to Betty Brevitz, author of the Hound Health Handbook, it is a pattern of wear that occurs on the lower canines.  She writes that tennis balls are abrasive and will erode  the teeth.  Brevitz says brown spots in the middle of the biting surface of a tooth can be a sign of Atennis ball mouth@. 

5. I also had not heard of diabetic alert dogs.  When the blood sugar isn=t where it should be, apparently the owner smells different.  Heaven Scent Paws, an organization based in St. Elizabeth, Missouri, trains this type of alert dog.

Mar 30, 2008 | Comments are off | diabetic alert dogs, nutrition and cognition, pet sterilization laws, puppy lemon laws, tennis ball mouth

Take a look at “Modern Dog”

If you haven=t seen a copy of Modern Dog or read this quarterly all-breed magazine, you are missing an interesting adventure in a world of dogs far outside of our area of Pennsylvania and one that you cannot even experience on the Internet–yet! One of my favorite issues has a cover picture of Tori Spelling. Spelling calls herself an animal lover and even has her own rescue–AMuch Love Animal Rescue@. Here we must pause and take a doggy leap (but not the type done in any agility course).

One of the recent articles was about hoarding, which has been recognized as a mental illness. Those who suffer from the affliction cannot refuse a needy kitten or the soft eyes of a begging dog. More and more dogs, cats and other pets are accumulated. Money and time soon are insufficient and neglect turns into cruelty.

Jesse Smith, Special Deputy of Dog Law Enforcement, recently was able to stop a hoarder after 20 to 30 dead dogs were discovered in the home. As part of the sentence the judge mandated that this person could not own more than three dogs and is subject to inspection to make sure the sentence is adhered to. Life would truly be unbearable without a pet in the home and I am glad the judge allowed this person to continue to share her love–now more wisely. It is easy to be a hoarder if you love animals. And, yet we can give only a few the quality of life they deserve. Ordinary, everyday pet lovers hoard. They are not deliberately cruel.

Back to Tori Spelling and celebrities who begin rescue organizations. Betty White once told a friend of mine that Doris Day always had room for another abandoned dog or cat. AShe would even put them in closets@, White said. The Doris Day Animal League is a result of this need to help animals. So why not Tori Spelling?

Back to Modern Dog. Even the advertisements are different. Of course, there are ads for all kinds of collars with bling, but the most interesting one was a collar that had a pet communication system that enabled the owner to speak to a pet for up to 12 miles. It has a Acall owner@ button, a GPS tracking system, and LED lights with 2-mile visibility and is available for both cats and dogs in both a harness and collar form. Visit Also available from the company is a rain-or-shine bed (it has an umbrella), a pet bed with arthritic magnets and an airborne chew (with fluoride).

More on Modern Dog and other publications in other blogs to come.

FFI   A Hard Look at Pennsylvania Animal Shelters and Rescues by John Yates

Mar 26, 2008 | Comments are off | animal rescue, dog magazines, pet hoarding


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